The tremendous quality-of-life benefits of organized living should be enough to convince you to make a change. But if that's not enough to get you de-cluttering, consider the several ways in which being organized saves you money!
- Sell unused items. Furniture, clothing, jewelry, small appliances and electronics are just some of the extraneous items you can sell for cash online or in a yard sale. Take a hard look at what you really use in your home and sell what you can. Or save your energy and donate these items for a tax write-off.
- Curb unnecessary spending. Once you've gone through the purging process, you'll have a much more accurate mental inventory of your belongings. You won't find yourself buying things you already have or buying things you haven't ended up using in the past.
- Put cash, gift cards and coupons to use. I should take a commission on the loose cash and gift cards my clients find during the organizing process! Create a system for storing and tracking your bonuses and discounts so you're sure to derive their full value.
- Get your finances in order. The first step toward financial security is financial organization. Take inventory of your finances, and create tracking and budgeting systems.